Snoozing in his front-facing carseat and Adidas hoodie on the way to
black butte!
What has Elliot been up to?
I just realized we hadn't updated babyjooke in sometime, so here is a a quick video/picture update. Since Halloween Elliot has started crawling like a maniac. He doesn't go anywhere slowly! Now he is standing up and cruising around on the edges of couches and tables. The physical therapy worked wonders and he is starting to take off, although I am not really sure we really ever did the exercises the physical therapist asked us to.
Elliot got his first molar on Thanksgiving. It was a rough 5 days. Now he is getting his two top molars at the same time! He doesn't seem to be as bothered by 2 at once as he was by the 1st one. This sounds like a great Christmas present!
His first word after names was "duck," I thought he was saying "dog." We haven't caught it on video yet, but soon. He also says mama, dada, mimi, and mami. He makes a fish noise with his mouth for poppy. We are still trying to get him to say grammy and granpy. His sign lanugage has been a huge help. He can communicate most of the things he wants. He can say, book, nap, water, hungry, binkie, up, clean up, all done, apple.... The other day he was starting to look tired. I asked him if he was tired, he put his hand on the side of his head for sleep and pointed at his bedroom. Smartest kid on the planet, right?!?!?!?
Elliot continues to go to daycare Mondays and Fridays. He likes it, Josh says he doesn't cry anymore when he drops him off. He spends the middle days with the grandparents. They spend the days entertaining him and feeding him. He eats like no one has ever fed him before. Just this morning he had 1/2 cup of oatmeal and applesauce and then we went to breakfast and he had potatoes, eggs and pancake. Elliot spends some time with his little cousin Klarence too. We caught Elliot reading a book to Klarence one day! That is one thing Elliot loves to do...READ! When we want to sleep a little longer in the mornings, we throw a couple books in his crib and he reads for like 30 minutes. He loves books with holes and bright pictures. Currently his favorite book is "Good Night Gorilla."
His other favorite past time is to go down the hall to Dave and Jess's loft. He points and the door and screams. DAve and Jess have lights to turn on and off and a huge kitchen island to crawl on. Not only that but they will take him to do what ever he wants, bang on the computer, look out the window, roll around in the chair...
Things are good. We will update soon with Christmas pictures. iT is sure to be a busy and crazy day!
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