October 11
October 3
October 3, 2009 07:33 AM
I found Elliot sitting up in his crib this morning! We have been
working on getting him to go from his belly to sitting. It was super
exciting, except I scared Josh a tad when I yelled. Now we are sitting
in the living room and he is getting so close to crawling. Just a
little more stamina in holding his body up and we will be there, maybe
by his birthday.
September 28
September 28, 2009 07:25 PM
Klarence James
My brother's little one arrived this week on Tuesday. His name is Klarence James, after my dad's dad. He is beautiful and everyone is doing well. Just wanted to share a few pictures. Elliot was a little unsure about Klarence and definitly didn't like it when Josh was holding him!
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