
  • by Brooke Brandt December 26, 2008 01:52 PM 0 Comments

    1st Christmas

    It was a busy 2 days (the 24th and 25th) but they were fun. Elliot got to experience Christmas with the Harnden's and with the Brandt's. On Christmas Eve we had dinner at my aunt and uncle's with my cousins and their kids. It is always fun to watch the kids rip into their presents. On Christmas morning we had breakfast with the Harnden's (mom, dad, Uncle Brandon, and Aunt Jenn) and the Christmas afternoon with the Brandt's. I wasn't joking when I said it was busy, Elliot is so tired today (the 26th) he can barely keep his eyes open for more than an hour. If you want to see more pictures go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/jooke/sets/72157611680714458/

    Cousin Kayleen knitted me this sweater!
