
  • by Brooke Brandt June 24, 2009 01:20 PM 1 Comment

    Summer Time!

    It's summer time and Elliot and I are ready to hit the town! I have many videos to show you all the new things he is doing but I can't find my camera cord... so those will come later.


    Elliot is doing all sorts of rad things now, totally sitting up on his own, clapping, eating all sorts of real food, showing interest in signs and toys. He goes to the doctor next week, so we will have some updated stats for you. For now here are some pictures of our summer adventures.

    This is Elliot all dressed up to go to go out with Mommy and some friends.

    Elliot and Josh waiting for the restaurant to open on Father's day for breakfast. One of Elliot's favorite toys is the coffee cup lid.

    Today Elliot and I went to see Great Grandma Beard, she has the best hats!


    1. josh says:

      And no, nobody asked me first before putting that hat on him.