
  • by josh August 27, 2009 10:04 PM 0 Comments Tags: ,

    Site Updates

    baby.jooke got an upgrade today. Not much different to look at, but some behind-the-scenes improvements that will allow other cool stuff to happen in the future.

    One bummer side effect of the upgrade (or more likely my error): the site forogt everyone's passwords. So if you already have an account on baby.jooke, you can have a new (temporary) password emailed to you from this page. I apologize. Lame. I'm sorry.

    If you cannot remember your username, or don't remember if you ever created an account, not to worry. Just email me and I will take a look.

    Exciting new feature of the day:

    Email notifications! Receive an email when a new post is added, and/or whenever someone comments on a post.
