
  • by josh August 28, 2009 02:38 PM 4 Comments

    Typing away

    (The baby.jooke upgrade also allows us to post from our phones, so we can hopefully post more often, even if we are away from the computer)


    1. emichael says:
      sweet. Subject. Link. All is well. Great work. OK, how about a way to email images and messages into it. If a phone can do it, shouldn't it work that way? Can you phone in a video too?
    2. mary says:
      don't remember my official name her, but love this aerial shot of a now familiar Elliot activity. Tried making a new username but not sure it worked when I hit "submit"...
    3. josh says:
      Mom, you are/were "mimi"
    4. emichael says:
      So mom had the issue I spoke of, josh, I think: "Tried making a new username but not sure it worked when I hit "submit""