
  • April 14
    by mimi April 14, 2009 10:26 PM 0 Comments

    Elliot at Poppy & Mimi's

    We too had a pile of pix in the camera, so here are some of our faves for your enjoyment!

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    April 13
    by Brooke Brandt April 13, 2009 07:15 PM 0 Comments

    6 Months Old!

    new stats:

    15 1/2 pounds

    27 inches

    New activities:

    chewing on everything, putting his feet in his mouth, talking loudly/yelling, taking 2 naps instead of three, grabbing hair and some toys, giggling like a madman, drooling, starting to sit up more...

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    April 12
    by Brooke Brandt April 12, 2009 08:42 PM 0 Comments

    New Videos!

    Elliot is starting to teethe, I think. He is drooling like a mad man and chewing on everything.


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    by Brooke Brandt April 12, 2009 08:24 PM 1 Comment

    The camera was full of pictures!

    A couple of weeks ago it was Uncle Brandon's 30th birthday. Elliot, Josh and I went and celebrated! Brandon is going to be a Daddy in September. Elliot is going to have a boy cousin!

    Josh and Elliot hung out on the floor the other day! Aren't they cute!

    Elliot is still enjoying his johnny jump up. He makes all sorts of great faces and is doing a lot of talkingI will post some more videos later.


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    March 31
    by Brooke Brandt March 31, 2009 08:37 PM 0 Comments


    I went back to work this week, but this is what I think about during the day...

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