Elliot's new swing
Elliot got to try out his Johnny Jump Up a few weeks ago at Grandma's house, but it has been a challenge to figure out where to put it at home -- not enough door frames! So last weekend my dad and I spent a few hours at the hardware store picking out parts, drilled a (huge!) hole in the ceiling (plus a second hole for redundancy), and installed all of our anchor bolts, eye bolts, carabiners, and whatnot.
Now Elliot has his Johnny Jump Up right in the middle of his play zone, and when he outgrows that, he can have a climbing rope, or a tire swing, or something! So far he hasn't quite figured out the "jumping" part of it, but his legs are pretty strong - he can migrate a little bit. And he likes being swung around too.
Lots more pictures are posted to Flickr.
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The Zoo
Several weeks ago Elliot and I went to the zoo with Brannon, Samantha and Travis. It was Elliot's first ride in his stroller.
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I was looking for pictures for my next post, "Elliot's Best Outfits," and found these pictures of Elliot. I sometimes forget how little he was and how round his head used to be!
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It's Been 5 months!
Elliot is 5 months old today. Here is a quick look back at monthly pictures and milestones reached! I can't believe he is growing so quickly, we are having so much fun.
October 10, 2008
Elliot was born at 3:03pm.
October 11, 2008 Elliot started life off eating and sleeping like a champ!
One month old
Elliot loved to sleep on people. He was eating every few hours. In his first month he had lots of visitors, took a couple baths, went to happy hour, went to the Boora beach house and went on many walks in his pouch.
6 weeks old
Elliot had his first smile at about 6 weeks old! He was making so many faces it was amazing.
2 months old
We decided to put Elliot in his crib in his room at 8 weeks. After the first few nights with a little bit of crying he was sleeping like a champ. He was still waking up a couple times a night. He had started playing a little on his play mat and continued to smile. He started making cute little noises too! On Thanksgiving G-G Frankie came to town and hung out with Elliot (and the rest of us). Elliot also had his first Christmas Black Butte weekend with the family.
3 months old
He smiles all the time now. I find myself doing the stupidest things to get him to smile! Elliot had fun on his first Christmas, but didn't really enjoy the first snow storm. I have to say it was pretty cold and icy! Elliot loves to watch what is going on around him. He will sit in his bouncy chair and watch us in the kitchen.
4 months
This month was a busy one! Grammy Jane, Peter and John came to visit for a weekend (once again mostly to see Elliot). Elliot got his airplane mobile assembled and put above his crib. He absolutely loves it! He wakes up and talks to it. HE is playing more and more and this month he started sleeping through the night. He goes to bed around 6 and sleeps until 4:30 or 5am and then goes back to sleep until about 7. Barak Obama was inaugurated as president this month, too. He doesn't quite roll over but he is getting close. His smile is killer and he is just starting to giggle :).
5 months
This brings us to this month. Elliot is amazing! He has recently started rolling over from his tummy to his back. He giggles like a mad man when ever you take his clothes off and sometimes in between if you are being really silly. He is starting to like tummy time more although it is hard to get him to stay there since he can roll over. He loves to play naked on the floor, rolling around and grabbing his feet. We just started using the Johnny Jump up at grammy's house, I am sure he will get the hang of it too! Elliot and I also took our first trip in the stroller to the zoo! It was pretty exciting (pictures to be posted soon).
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