February 24
February 24, 2009 04:20 PM
Terrific Tuesday Videos
Elliot rolled over the other day! Only from tummy to back, and only whn he was naked. It's a start I guess!!!! He hasn't done it since either!
Add a Comment→February 21
February 21, 2009 08:37 PM
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John Deere Rules!
My favorite Aunty Sharon bought Elliot this awesome John Deere Onsie, that says "big boy's toys" on it!
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February 21, 2009 08:27 PM
A few weeks ago Josh, Elliot and I spent a few days at the BOORA beach house. We went for a few walks on the beach, it felt like spring out!
Add a Comment→February 17
February 17, 2009 06:24 PM
More Cuteness
Grammy had foot surgery so we have been entertaining her periodically.
Elliot has been spending more time in his bumbo chair. He is getting pretty strong!
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