Elliot & Michael
We were babysitting this week and finally got some pics and our first videos.
Elliot and his attentive stuffed peeps.
Still shot of the Spanish lesson.
The Spanish lesson.
Elliott converses.
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New Tricks
Elliot has several new tricks that I have tried to catch on camera.
He is rolling onto his side sometimes.
Josh taught Elliot how to put his hand in his pants.
Elliot has also started to get his hands in his mouth on purpose. He is even sucking his thumb.
He is making lots of new, loud noises.
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13lbs 8.5oz = 22nd percentile
26inches = 85th percentile
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Today, Elliot is 4 months old. He has started making all sorts of new noises today, including a yelling kind of thing (see the video). On Thursday we go to the doctor and I will make sure to update you on his current stats! My guesses: 15lbs/25 inches
3 Months Old
4 Months Old
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Bumbo Chair
Sorry I have been M.I.A. for a few weeks, not to worry we are back in business. There will be several new posts over the next week! First, Elliot's new chair. We borrowed this chair from our friends so Elliot could sit up instead of flattening his head some more! He likes it for about 3 minutes and then he wants out.
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