
  • January 24
    by Brooke Brandt January 24, 2009 08:45 PM 0 Comments

    Who's that Baby in the Mirror?

    Elliot loves to look at himself in the mirror. I am pretty sure he thinks he is looking at some other baby. Today he finally got his thumb in his mouth and chewed on it a little bit before the rest of his fist found its way in.

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    January 22
    by Brooke Brandt January 22, 2009 06:03 PM 0 Comments

    Inaguration Day

    Elliot woke up on Tuesday morning and got ready for the historical inauguration. Uncle Ollie and Aunty Leah gave him this awesome fist bumping onsie and it just now fits.  He slept through the whole inauguration, the oath and the speech, but at least I got to watch it. Then we went to see grandpa at his office in the outfit!

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    January 21
    by Brooke Brandt January 21, 2009 07:53 PM 0 Comments


    I finally caught Elliot giggling on video...so cute!

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    by Brooke Brandt January 21, 2009 07:52 PM 1 Comment

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    January 20
    by Brooke Brandt January 20, 2009 08:34 PM 0 Comments

    Family Fun Weekend

    Last weekend Great-Grammy Jane, Peter and John came to visit us in Portland. They stayed in this fabulous condo just across the street from our loft in the Pearl. Elliot was the entertainment for the weekend with a few walks around the neighborhood. Elliot is so lucky to have 4 great-grandmothers who love him so much! (I am sure Josh has more pictures on his camera too!)

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