Motor the Jumping Cat
I know this isn't a baby related post, but this morning Motor was chasing the reflection off of Eli's camera on the wall. This is how he broke a lamp last week. He can jump so high!! I promise there will be pictures of family fun weekend in the near future.
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New Mobile
Martha, James and Jordan gave Elliot this new airplane mobile. Josh put it together and Elliot LOVES it. I will be reading him a book and he will be staring at his mobile. When he wakes up in the morning or from a nap he talks to his airplanes. He has even on occasion talked to them before he goes to sleep, before he realizes we have left him and starts screaming. The video is of Elliot smiling at his mobile from the rocker across the room.
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My new quilt
Mimi made Elliot this fabulous black, red and white quilt. He loves too look at all the shapes and pictures. There is even spit up all over it...the sign of a loved object.
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3 months old
On Saturday Elliot turned 3 months old. I can't believe it has been 3 months! Here are some pictures to commerate the big day.
Elliot sits in the laundry basket while I am putting things into the dryer.
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Elliot is talking all the time now! Just chatting away with whatever he happens to be looking at. Tonight he laughed for the first time. It was possibly the cutest thing ever! I can't wait to catch it on video :)
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