Play Date
Today we went over to Michelle's house and Elliot played with Olivia (3) and Claire (1.5).They loved Elliot.
Olivia took this picture of Elliot.
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Learning to Read!
Elliot loves his black, white and red book from GG Frankie. He looks at it all the time, I just can't quite seem to catch it on camera!
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Elliot has started tracking objects, it is so cool! In the second video he gives you a brief glimpse of trying to get his hands to his mouth, which he is getting better at!
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Just another morning video.... There are many more videos to be posted this week showcasing Elliot's new tricks.
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Visiting Great Grandma Beard
We went and saw Great Grandma in her new house in Tigard the other day. She thinks Elliot is "very developed for his age." We totally agree!
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