
  • Posts tagged with ““elliot””

    July 23
    by josh July 23, 2009 02:01 PM 0 Comments Tags: , , , ,

    Commando Crawl!

    Elliot achieved his first translocation today -- commando crawling in pursuit of a toy (well, sunglasses. The best toy ever)!

    First video:

    Second video:

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    December 15
    by Brooke Brandt December 15, 2008 10:53 AM 0 Comments Tags: , , ,

    Black Butte Weekend2008

    Every year we spend a weekend in Black Butte with the family! We do lots of fun things like walk to the pond, go swimming, get massages, watch sports on tv and eat! I used to spend the weekend napping but this year I spent it breast feeding and playing with Elliot. I think Elliot enjoyed his first trip to Black Butte, next year at this time he will be toddling around with the other kiddos!

    Uncle Brando and Elliot

    Emily, Mallory, MaryJane and Ronan (my cousins' kids)

    Grandma and Elliot took a short walk outside to find Louie.

    Louie was so curious about Elliot. He wanted to help me feed him and play with him on his playmat. Louie even wanted to help when Elliot was crying.

    Aunt Cindy getting some snuggle time.

    Ronan played with Elliot for a little while. Ronan and Elliot were having a deep conversation about the crazy family. I think Ronan promised to protect Elliot from the crazies.

    The family

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    November 23
    by josh November 23, 2008 03:03 PM 1 Comment Tags:

    6 weeks

    This morning Elliot was wide awake so we had a little photo shoot. He is holding his head up really well and starting to smile. These pictures are just a taste of the many we took.

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    November 1
    by Brooke Brandt November 1, 2008 04:47 PM 0 Comments Tags: , ,


    Last night we went to hang out with grandpa and hand out candy. Elliot was not really interested in putting on his banana outfit, but he was wearing an orange onsie that said "I love my mummy." After that we went to a gathering of friends who were all dressed quite nicely. Josh and I were "responsible adults," as you can see on Josh's shirt. Unfortunately we did not get a picture of Uncle Ollie and Leah who were dressed up as Dwight and Angela from "The Office." We did on the other hand get a picture with Marcus.

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    October 26
    by Brooke Brandt October 26, 2008 09:29 AM 0 Comments Tags: ,

    Dad and Elliot

    We play on the computer...

    Elliot gets dried off after his bath..


    Elliot thinks dad's nose is a boob...

    Joshie and Great Grandma Beard (Elliot is the 16th Great Grandchild and there is another one on the way)...

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