
  • December 14
    by josh December 14, 2008 08:29 PM 0 Comments Tags: ,

    Blizzard 2008!

    It never snows in Portland. Well, you might see a flurry once a winter. But it never sticks. but today it sorta really snowed! I mean, downtown we got about 1 inch, and a lot of it froze on the ground as a real dense hard-pack. But we hear that farther out people got real measurable accumulation -- inches! So of course we had to take Elliot out to explore, not to mention to break in his totally awesome snow suit (thanks Jenn!). Unfortunately, once we got outside we discovered that the snow was pretty frozen, and the damn East wind was still blowing pretty strong. So we did a short little loop of a few blocks (looking for drifts!) and headed back in to decorate the tree.

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    December 1
    by josh December 1, 2008 08:52 AM 0 Comments Tags:

    Some thanksgiving weekend pictures

    There are a few new pictures up on flickr of various relatives holding the boy.

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    November 23
    by josh November 23, 2008 03:03 PM 1 Comment Tags:

    6 weeks

    This morning Elliot was wide awake so we had a little photo shoot. He is holding his head up really well and starting to smile. These pictures are just a taste of the many we took.

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    November 15
    by Brooke Brandt November 15, 2008 04:46 PM 1 Comment

    Fun Elliot Videos

    These are some random videos of Elliot. The first one is with Great-Grandma Beard. You have to ignore the beeping in the background, that is mom earasing the answering machine. The second one is of Elliot snoring while he is sleeping...listen carefully! Finally, there is Elliot playing on his floor gym thingy. We just set it up this week. He doesn't quite know that he is in charge of his arms and legs...

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    by Brooke Brandt November 15, 2008 02:50 PM 0 Comments

    Other Cute Pictures

    Elliot in his peanut shell sling, ready for a walk with mom.

    Dad and Putty and Elliot...maybe Putty is getting used to having Elliot around.

    Mimi and Elliot's first meeting. We promise to post more pictures with Mary and Michael soon!!

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