
  • November 15
    by Brooke Brandt November 15, 2008 02:44 PM 0 Comments

    Elliot and friends

    Ok well these are mostly mommy's friends (school friends)...

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    November 4
    by Brooke Brandt November 4, 2008 09:45 PM 2 Comments

    President Elect Obama meets Elliot

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    November 1
    by Brooke Brandt November 1, 2008 04:47 PM 0 Comments Tags: , ,


    Last night we went to hang out with grandpa and hand out candy. Elliot was not really interested in putting on his banana outfit, but he was wearing an orange onsie that said "I love my mummy." After that we went to a gathering of friends who were all dressed quite nicely. Josh and I were "responsible adults," as you can see on Josh's shirt. Unfortunately we did not get a picture of Uncle Ollie and Leah who were dressed up as Dwight and Angela from "The Office." We did on the other hand get a picture with Marcus.

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    by Brooke Brandt November 1, 2008 04:41 PM 0 Comments


    We went to the BOORA beach house for 3 nights this week. We spent the majority of the time reading and resting, but we took two walks in the afternoon. We managed to squeeze in a couple family portraits. 


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    by josh November 1, 2008 03:49 PM 0 Comments Tags:

    Napping on the couch...

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